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Happy Monday Everyone!

We hope your weekend has been pretty chill. Thank you to all those who came to our Happy Hour event on Friday. We had a great time meeting everyone! Pictures will be posted soon! Here are our weekly reminders and updates!


Dues this semester will be $10 if you get them in before October 14th. Afterwards they are $15. We will be collecting them at all our events this month. It is pertinent that we get dues as early as possible that way we can plan and provide for awesome and exciting events for you guys! Please contact a board member or email us if you have any questions or concerns. Method of Payment(s): - Cash - Check - Venmo: @Lucy-Lu-14 - Square Cash: $luxixi - Chase Quickpay:

If you weren’t able to attend the first info night, don’t worry because we will be having another info night on Monday, September 25th, at 6pm, David Kinley Hall Room 123. We will be announcing new information concerning upcoming events. Again, this is a great opportunity to hear more about what we do. Dues will also be collected at this event. Please RSVP here if you are interested in attending: (you need to be logged into your account to fill out the form).


Come join us in some hay-filled merriment at the Econ/Stats Barn Dance sponsored by the Illini Women in Economics, Econ Club and Stats Club. Click interested on our facebook event if you're ready to dance your boots off on October 18th from 7pm-12am with us and fill out this interest form if you haven't already that way we get a better idea to plan!! Here is the interest form: We will likely be selling wristbands the first 2 weeks of October (locations and times TBD), keep an eye on our Facebook page and in emails for updates. DO NOT LOSE YOUR WRISTBAND between when you get it and the dance, you will not be able to get on the bus without a wristband. Replacement wristbands will be sold the night of for $15 if you lose it. Ticket Prices: Paid Members: $10 (also an important reminder to please have your dues in on time!) Guests: $15 Method of Payment(s): - Cash - Check - Venmo: @Lucy-Lu-14 - Square Cash: $luxixi - Chase Quickpay: (Make sure at time of payment that an organizer has recorded your payment!) There is no limit to the number of guests that you can bring, so share this event with any friends you plan on bringing!

We plan to have a lot going on this semester for you guys so pay attention to our iWiE Weekly emails for updates and reminders. And please have your dues in early for maximum econ fun! Feel free to email us at or message us on Facebook for any questions or concerns.

Thank you and stay tuned for more weekly updates :)

With pleasure, Your Illini Women in Economics Exec Board

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